Celebrating the highest levels of achievement

“dhaxo” Property Awards are open to residential and commercial property professionals from around the globe. We celebrate the highest levels of achievement by companies operating in all sectors of the property and real estate industry. “dhaxo” Property Award is a world-renowned mark of excellence.

What are “dhaxo” Property Awards?

“dhaxo” Property Awards are split into regions and are judged annually. Participants enter at their relevant national level and are judged by a highly experienced team of professionals who cover the whole range of property disciplines. Companies selected as winners are then invited to attend a glittering awards dinner for each region and have the right to use the prestigious logo in their marketing.

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Sponsoring the “dhaxo” Property Awards connects your company or brand with the world’s leading firms in the property industry. Awards participants invest billions of dollars in their businesses, developments and projects annually, continuously looking for new contracts, suppliers and related services.

Awards presentations and networking events bring you face-to-face with winners, while World’s Best publications for Award winners provide extensive brand awareness and promotion.

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Bespoke sponsorship packages that perfectly suit your company’s needs

  • Awards branding: include your company’s logo on every award ribbon issued Event branding: prominent promotion of your company at the Property Awards events
  • Seminars: introduce your products or offerings to an audience of keyed-in, switched-on potential clients Video presentations
  • Business round tables: structured networking opportunities Exhibition space
  • Tickets to the gala dinner
  • Print advertising in awards publications or our partner, “dhaxo” Property Luxury Collection magazine
  • Databases of winners and event attendees, including many CEOs, MDs and leaders in the field
  • Title Sponsorship: Prominent display of sponsor’s name/logo as the title sponsor. Recognition in all event promotional materials.
  • Category Sponsorship :Exclusive sponsorship of specific award categories. Logo inclusion in category-specific promotions.
  • Branding Opportunities :Logo placement on event banners, backdrop, and promotional materials. Recognition on the official event website.
  • VIP Benefits: VIP seating for sponsor representatives. Exclusive access to VIP networking events.
  • Digital Exposure: Social media shoutouts and mentions. Logo inclusion in email campaigns and newsletters.
  • Exhibition SpaceBooth or exhibition space to showcase products/services. Opportunity to engage with attendees.
  • Speaking Opportunities: Speaking slot during the award ceremony or related panel discussions.
  • Collateral Inclusion: Inclusion of sponsor’s promotional material in event attendee bags.
  • Post-Event RecognitionAcknowledgment in post-event press releases. Thank you mentions on social media platforms.
  • Customized PackagesFlexibility for tailored sponsorship packages based on sponsor’s preferences.
  • Champagne reception sponsorship
  • Corporate gift sponsorship
  • ‘Goody Bag’ sponsorship
  • Sponsorship Opportunities available
  • To build a sponsorship package or ask questions, contact our team…
        Sponsor Now

“dhaxo” Awards for 

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